Greensect Nature Foods

We are formerly Superworm Mealworm PH. Insect-based feed and food. All-natural nutrients.

Mealworm and Superworm probiotics can be an alternative to antibiotics for treatment of Salmonella and E. coli infection in broiler chicks

Numerous studies related to chitin, chitosan, and their derivatives have antimicrobial potential. In this recent study, probiotic formulation derived from dry mealworm and dry superworm were assessed to find out if these can be alternatives to conventinal antibiotics in broiler chicks. A total of 240 one-day old Ross 308 male…

Effect of post-gut loading time on the macro-nutrient content of Mealworm, Dubia, and Snails

Abstract of the study: Techniques for increasing the nutritional value of feeder invertebrates include dusting the prey items with a vitamin and mineral powder supplement, or providing the invertebrates with nutrient-rich food, called gut loading, prior to feeding to insectivores. However, the delay between gut loading of prey and consumption…

Mealworm meal improves growth performance, BW, ADG, FCR, carcass, and meat quality of broiler chicks

This study investigated the effects of yellow mealworm on growth and performance, hematological characteristics, carcass, and meat quality of broiler chicks. A total of 700 one-day-old Ross 308 male broiler chicks were assigned to five dietary MWM treatments containing 0%, 2%, 4%, and 8% dried MWM or 10.48% fresh mealworm…

Nutritional contents of Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) from

Feedipedia is an open access information system on animal feed resources that provides information on nature, occurrence, chemical composition, nutritional value and safe use of nearly 1400 worldwide livestock feeds.Feedipedia is a joint project of INRAE (formerly INRA-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, French National Institute for Agricultural Research), CIRAD…