Greensect Nature Foods

We are formerly Superworm Mealworm PH. Insect-based feed and food. All-natural nutrients.

This study was conducted to know the effects of inclusion of powdered mealworm meal, Tenebrio molitor, on productive performance, egg quality, and blood parameters of chicken layers.

The research was implemented to a total of 126 Bovans White laying hens, 63 weeks of age. Three treatments were done with seven replicates of six birds per cage. The treatments were: a basal diet or control, and two diets comprising of a mixture of basal with T. molitor meals at 2.5% and 5% inclusion rate. The study was conducted for 8 weeks.

Results have shoed that egg production, egg mass and feed conversion ratio were all improved (P < 0.05) by inclusion of T. molitor meal in the diet. The lower rate of inclusion was more effective with respect to egg production and feed conversion ratio. Inclusion of larvae meal did not influence (P > 0.05) feed intake, egg weight or bodyweight gain. Furthermore, egg quality characteristics and blood parameters were not influenced (P > 0.05) by dietary treatment.

In conculsion, the inclusion of T. molitor larval in diet of layer hens can improve quality and overall health and production of layings especially at the 2.5% level.

Sedgh-Gooya S., Torki M, Darbemamieh M, Khamisabadi H, and Abdolmohamadi A. 2021. Effect of dietary inclusion of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae meal on productive performance, egg quality indices and blood parameters of laying hens. Animal Prod Science.

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